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2 years ago

Zeno Joins the Ranks of the Built In Austin Future 5

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Zeno Joins the Ranks of the Built In Austin Future 5

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We’re excited to share a bit of good news: Zeno has been awarded a spot on the Built In Austin Future 5!

Each quarter, the editorial team at Built In Austin selects five tech startups, nonprofits or entrepreneurs in the Austin area who “just might be working on the next big thing.” We humbly agree with their assessment, and we’re honored to earn a spot on this quarter’s Future 5.

For a young company like ours not yet a year out of stealth, we’ve attracted more than our fair share of media attention. But this one’s special, for two reasons: First, Built In Austin has its finger on the pulse of what’s new and exciting in the Austin business world – so to be hand-picked by their editorial staff is very gratifying. Second (and perhaps most importantly), this distinction validates the tens of thousands of hours our team has invested in Zeno’s success. Being an early-stage energy tech company in today’s volatile market is an exciting and often unpredictable ride, but we’re up to the task. Wins like this one are quite special and help confirm that we’re on the right path.

The energy space faces uncertainties the industry hasn’t seen in a generation. And since launching Zeno back in October, geopolitical forces have only intensified – raising the stakes for producers considerably and underscoring the need for financial discipline within those organizations. Our mission is to help energy-focused businesses not just survive these turbulent times, but to thrive in spite of them. We’re all-in on this endeavor, and we’re grateful to Built In Austin for recognizing what we’ve achieved thus far. Onward and upward!


About Zeno Technologies

Zeno Technologies is a pioneer in helping businesses master the financial performance of their energy assets. Zeno’s Energy OS is used by energy companies, investors and partners to drive financial performance by connecting organizations through data on a common platform, building real-time insights so their businesses can exert stronger capital discipline to better deliver the positive cash flows and predictable returns investors demand. Zeno is privately held and headquartered in Austin, TX. For more information, visit




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